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How to Store a Sleeping Bag | Expert Tips

Nothing is worse for an outdoor enthusiast than to arrive at a campsite and discover that the sleeping bag is wet and unpleasant. The greatest approach to guarantee that you have a restful night’s sleep while hiking or camping with pals is to store your sleeping bag correctly

Here are all the tips and tricks for properly storing your down sleeping bag or any material so it can continue to cover your nights outside for many years, whether you’re packing it for weeks of backcountry camping or you just need some guidance before putting it away after a weekend in the great outdoors!

Clean And Dry The Sleeping Bag

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for taking advantage of the great outdoors. Furthermore, a clean sleeping bag might be the difference between an enjoyable and unpleasant camping experience. 

You wouldn’t want your comfortable sleeping bag to feel or smell wet, after all. It’s crucial to give your sleeping bag a thorough cleaning and drying before storing it. This will not only keep it functional and durable, but it will also keep it in excellent shape for your upcoming journey. 

Envision waking up to a pristine, new sleeping bag, prepared for an additional day of exploring the great outdoors. Make sure your sleeping bag is dry and clean before putting it away to avoid having a neglected sleeping bag ruin your next camping trip.

Choose An Appropriate Storage Space

Storing a sleeping bag correctly helps ensure that it lasts longer and continues to work well on your camping trips. Purchasing a suitable storage container that is resistant to water and sunlight is essential to good storage. 

There are other choices available, such as mesh bags, compression sacks, and vacuum-seal bags. While each has advantages of its own, they’re all made to keep your sleeping bag dry and weatherproof. 

This will stop any moisture from building up and prevent the sleeping bag from overheating, which over time may lead it to lose its insulating qualities. 

These easy tips will help guarantee your sleeping bag joins you on many a comfortable night in the great outdoors, regardless of where you decide to keep it—in a closet, on a shelf, or in a storage area reserved for camping goods

Stuff The Sleeping Bag In a Container (But Don’t Overstuff It)

sleeping bag compressor

Any adventurer knows how crucial it is to store their sleeping bag. It’s not as easy as packing it up and putting it in the closet, though.

Once you have your container, carefully stuff your sleeping bag inside, being mindful not to overstuff it. Overstuffing can damage the insulation inside and ultimately make for a less comfortable sleep during your next camping trip. 

With a properly stored sleeping bag, your next outdoor adventure will be even more enjoyable.

Here are some of the recommendations for compression sacks. Check them out if you like:

Keep The Bugs Away

The last thing you want when storing your sleeping bag is for moths and bugs to take up residence inside of it. Thankfully, there’s a simple fix: use cedar chips or oil. 

Moths and other bothersome insects can be repelled by stuffing cedar chips or adding a few drops of cedar oil inside your sleeping bag. 

This will not only preserve your sleeping bag in better shape, but it will also enhance your camping experience the next time you use it. Thus, remember to include the cedar the next time you’re packing up your equipment!

Recommended Read: How To Wash a Sleeping Bag, Sleeping Bags for Motorcycle Camping

Hang The Sleeping Bag

One of the best ways to keep the sleeping bag in good shape is to hang it in an open area and let fresh air circulate through it. This will prevent mold and mildew from forming and ensure that your sleeping bag is fresh and ready to use whenever you need it. 

So, before you put your sleeping bag away for the season, take a moment to hang it up in a well-ventilated area. Your sleeping bag will thank you!

Check The Zipper

Be sure to check that the zipper is fully closed. It may seem like a small detail, but failing to properly close the zipper on your sleeping bag can cause serious damage over time. When left open, the teeth can become misaligned, and the slider can become damaged, making it nearly impossible to zip up again.

 Not to mention, open zippers can allow moisture, dust, and other debris to make their way in, resulting in a musty-smelling and dirty sleeping bag. By taking the extra few seconds to ensure your zipper is fully closed before storing your sleeping bag, you’ll not only extend its lifespan, but you’ll also have a more pleasant camping experience the next time you use it.

sleeping bag storage


Storing a sleeping bag properly can help keep it in optimum condition for years to come. Taking the time to do a few simple steps when storing away your sleeping bag such as cleaning it, choosing an appropriate space, stuffing it correctly, keeping bugs out, and hanging it up will ensure that the material stays free of wear and tear which in turn preserves the quality, insulation and life of the sleeping bag. 

With this knowledge on how to store your sleeping bag, you’ll have no worries about bringing your old sleeping bag out again just like new at any time. Now it’s up to you! How do you prefer storing your sleeping bags? Which procedures have worked best for you? Let us know in the comments!

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